Various cool activities
If the stag or hen party is going to last a few days or even a week, the trick is to plan several cool activities to spice up the party. The program can, for example, include a cruise on the Danube with minibar on the boat or unlimited drink packages. You can then continue with a relaxation session in one of the city's hot springs and a Hummer ride with some traditional strip shows.
For the last day, you can plan some sexy pranks (fake bride, fake groom, naughty hitchhiker and others).
A completely festive evening
The pearl of the Danube is home to a wide selection of ruin-bars, pubs and nightclubs. Among the addresses not to be missed, you have the "Szimpla Kert" and the "Instant" which are real references on the spot. Alternatively, there is also the "Club Heaven", a nightclub located in the city center, where you can enjoy a party night.
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